Wednesday, March 18, 2009


OK so here's the issue. I'm going to be in the Easter Production and I have never been so nervous. I don't know why, well I kinda have an idea.. I guess I'm scared to fail, to mess up the play. I know its very important so I have a lot of pressure, and I only have like 10 ( I know whack right..) Its really getting to me... u might think that I'm making it a big deal but I don't like to speak in front of people, I stutter, my mind goes blank, I get a rush etc etc. I don't like to be the center of attention, I'm more of a back stage kinda girl. This is really, really I mean really stepping out of my comfort zone and I'm so like ahhhh I cant do it. I'm going to do it any way but I ask those of you out there to pls pray for me to have strength to do it, that everything comes out smooth and that I don't or get stuck... dude I'm like so shaking right now I have butterfly's in my stomach just to think about it and its getting closer and closer.

God I know I have prayed for this before but I just ask that give me courage to go thru with this. That you will be the one speaking and not me. To take the fear out of me to be able to do you will. In Jesus name, Amen.

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