Thursday, June 25, 2009

The king of pop is dead but the King of Kings is alive

Michaels death seems to be the talk of the town. How everyone seems to get all worked up about it. Yes it is truly sad but thats part of life. We all have an ending to our story. Someone had mention how their childrens children will probably hear about this, just like we still hear about Elvis. BUT what about Jesus? He also died, and no body seems to be as excited about Him. Is it because its "old" news now? I have gotten tons of texts from ppl, crazy twitters and on facebook too and everyone is talking about MJ but when someone mentions Jesus He don't get the same respond. Its sad how The King of Glory dies for us to live and the crowd goes silent and when the king of pop dies the crowd goes wild. We need to get that same excitement back. My King gives me Life, Joy, Peace. He is my Provider, my Savior, my All. He is my strength when I am weak, 2corinthians 12:9-10. His Grace is all I need. He sacrificed His life for ME. I don't know about you but that's something to get excited about. He knows everything about me (us). What makes us cry, what makes us laugh. How many times we toss and turn at night. He know the desires of our hearts and get this.. He gives them to us just like that.. That's how much He loves us. It doesn't stop there. He knows what we need when we need it and will even help us get there. He make all things work for my good. He loves me, He loves me He loves me, that's more than enough for me. His "death" might have been long long time ago and not right outta the press but its still an IMPACT. The bible says the only way to get to Heaven is thru the Son and all He wants is our hearts in return than He can have all of me:my heart, soul and mind.

Jesus thank you for who You are. For what You stand for. For the sufficient love You have for us. For giving us nothing but the best. For walking with me hand by hand. For being my strength. Thank You for being my Savior and I know that without You I would have nothing. I love you and I will shout of joy when it comes to You. AMEN


Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me said...

you took the words right out of my mouth! I wanted to post on twitter, "hey MJ is dead but Jesus is ALIVE" but i wanted to give ppl their time to grieve, maybe today i'll post that. anyways it's so true that the king of kings seems to have lost his fame, wonder if it's our fault? it's kinda like MJ will be known for his moonwalk, his albums, and his crotch grab what will we do to make the name of JC known?

Anthony said...

Beautifully put and powerfully conveyed message. Thanks for sharing Toni.